Research and experimentation are at the core of great design. Explore current projects and find research opportunities in APDesign.
Green Roof Research Project
Pam Blackmore was awarded the 2018 Garden Club of America Board of Associates Centennial Pollinator Fellowship for her project "Butterflies, Tallgrass Prairie, and Green Roofs." This fellowship, co-sponsored by the Pollinator Partnership, provides funding to study the causes of pollinator decline that could lead to potential solutions for their conservation and sustainability.

National Science Foundation awards grant for Smart and Connected Communities project
Hyung Jin Kim, associate professor in the landscape architecture and regional & community planning department at Kansas State University's College of Architecture, Planning & Design, or APDesign, recently received a $150,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for the Smart and Connected Communities project.
Kim will serve as lead principal investigator working with K-State faculty members George Amariucai, computer science, and Bala Natarajan, electrical and computer engineering, on a pilot study and workshop for enriching rural-to-urban disaster resilience by integrating social, spatial and digital networks.