Larry Lawhon

Larry Lawhon Associate Professor
Landscape Architecture and
Regional & Community Planning

301C Seaton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
T: (785) 532-2445

Curriculum Vitae

Larry L. Lawhon, Ph.D., AICP I am currently an Associate Professor teaching Regional and Community Planning in the College of Architecture, Planning, and Design. I have been on the faculty since 1998, and received my Ph.D. in Urban Planning from Texas A&M University and my master’s in City and Regional Planning from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I am a certified planner and active in the American Planning Association and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. Prior to pursuit of my Ph.D. in Urban Planning, I worked as a local government planner for approximately 11 years, serving as director of planning in two separate cities. My areas of interest include growth management, development impact fees, planning history, and housing. In 2010 I was invited to submit an encyclopedia entry on the “Neighborhood Unit” for the Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research, Springer Publishing. I have collaborated with the International City Management Association (ICMA) since 2002 and completed three separate national surveys of local government use of development impact fees, and published the results of these surveys in the ICMA Municipal Year Book in 2003, 2007 and 2012.

I am very interested in growth management and public financing devices such as impact fees, and the role of sprawl on city form, community sustainability, and finance of infrastructure and services. My current research includes a study of Loveland, Colorado’s 25 year experiment in development impact fees, which is under review by The Journal of the American Planning Association. I continue to refine a textbook entitled Housing and the Public Sector Planner.