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College of Architecture, Planning & Design

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Director of Student Recruitment
College of Architecture, Planning and Design

Kansas State University
1127 Regnier Hall
Manhattan KS 66506-2902

785-532-5047 phone
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May 6, 2013

Message from the Department Head

As we enter the final two weeks of the semester, we offer these tips to finish strong:

Maximize Your Productivity!

Follow these tips to stay at your most productive:

Remove and Manage Distractions.
1. Identify the things that keep you from focusing;  including incoming emails, texts, instant messages, phone calls, random web searches, and other interruptions.

2. Create a checklist of your typical distractions, keep the list in front of you, review each time you sit at your desk, and take the necessary actions to prevent before they are a problem (close email, turn off phone, etc.). 

3. Create work and break times and stick with the schedule. Set a timer for 1/2 hour or 1-hour periods of work and know that you will stop when the timer sounds. Take a timed break (10-15 minutes) and address any necessary issues during that time (return a text).

4. Create a signal so others respect your work time - this might be a "Do Not Disturb" sign on your workspace during your worktime.  In addition, respect others' work times.

Get Some Sleep

You probably know the least amount of sleep you can get and still feel productive and know you are making good decisions. Make sure you get this sleep to be maximizing your productivity at the level you wish.

Eat Some Protein

Give your body the fuel it needs to keep you going! Eating health(ier) food will help keep your energy at its best.

Back Up
Back up your digital files on an external hard drive or other media and store it in a separate location from your computer. In this way, your files have a measure of protection should something happen to your computer. Enough of us have lived through computer crashes, tornadoes, theft, and other calamaties to know the value of backing up data.

IAPD Student Council
The focus of this week is Safety! Look for posters encouraging safety from a variety of aspects - the lunch and learn last week on stress reduction was a great initiation into this focus.


Assistant Professor Dave Richter-O'Connell learned that a poster addressing multidisciplinary pathways has been accepted for the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) conference this summer.


We have several courses offered this summer, and for those of you who have hoped to take Professor Kendra Ordia's "Hybrid Digital" course - good news: It will be offered at a distance this summer during the 8-week session! You will be able to register soon.

Words from Weigel

Take time for a study/studio break!  Stop by Pierce Commons Monday evening, May 6th, for a slice of pizza and other refreshments!  The pizza, provided by Weigel Library and K-State Libraries, will arrive about 9:30 pm.  APDesign Student Organizations (SCASLA, SPA, IASC, and Women in Design) are providing other treats that evening for you to enjoy – rumor has it there will be beverages, root beer floats, veggie and fruit trays and candy.   Weigel Library supports you throughout the semester with resources, services, technology and now pizza! SCASLA is providing beverages, "BYOC/M" - "bring your own cup or mug" to the event.

Reviews and Other Dates

Over the next two weeks, many reviews and other activities will occur and we encourage you to attend whenever possible.

May 6: Pizza in the Pierce Commons at 9:30pm
May 9 & 10: 5th Year Final Reviews in the McGraw Room, S 207, from 8am-7pm
May 12-14: Caffeine Fix at Hale Library from 10pm-midnight (coffee and snacks served)
May 13: Dave Richter-O’Connell’s 2nd Year Final Reviews from 1:30pm-5:30pm
May 14: Vibhavari Jani’s Interactive Exhibit Final Reviews from 3pm-5pm in S 104
May 15: Donna Fullmer’s 3rd Year Final Crits in the Crit Space, S 202F from 1:30pm-5:20pm
May 15: Graduation Commencement Rehearsal in McCain Auditorium from 3:30pm-4:30pm
May 16: KCADDR Furniture Competition from 1:30pm-5pm
May 16: Neal Hubbell’s 3rd Year Final Reviews at Populous in Kansas City from 1:30pm-5:30pm
May 18: APDesign Graduation Commencement in McCain Auditorium from 10am-12pm