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College of Architecture, Planning & Design

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Director of Student Recruitment
College of Architecture, Planning and Design

Kansas State University
1127 Regnier Hall
Manhattan KS 66506-2902

785-532-5047 phone
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Banner Images © Tim Hursley


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December 2, 2013

News and Events

The Thomas A. Tyler and Answers Inc. Architectural and Environmental Student Photography Competition are complete. Thank you to all of those who participated this year. You can see all of the entries in the Chang Gallery from December 2nd to January 19th.

Faculty, please remember to have students participate in the TEVELS for each course taught. If you prefer paper versions over electronic, please contact Mary and set up a time for her to come in and proctor. 

IAPD Student Council

The IAPD Student Council has planned a holiday party/sugar cookie decorating contest on Thursday December 5 at 8 PM. They ask that you break out your holiday sweaters and bring your nerves of steel (!?!)

Next week is Safety Week - look for numerous messages and events to occur.

Register Now

Have you registered for elective courses you plan to take next semester yet? A short list is included here:

IAPD 406: Bath and Bathing Fixtures for a Water>Less World. Winter Intersession January 8-17. 2 credit hours. Professor: David Richter-O'Connell. #17065
IAPD 406: Advanced Digital Techniques. 3 credit hours. Professor Dustin Headley. #12043
IAPD 406: Digital Fabrication. 3 credit hours. Professor Dustin Headley. #16626
IAPD 406 Exhibit Design. 3 credit hours. Professor Steve Davidson. #16628
IAPD 406: Chair Design Workshop. 3 credit hours. Professor David Brown. #16753
IAPD 406: Glass Studio. 2 credit hours. Professor Donna Fullmer. #15063.
IAPD 406: Transportation Design. 3 credit hours. Professor Allan Hastings. #16623




Check out this competition for disaster relief. Submission deadline is January 26th. Potential for $2,000 prize. Learn more here.

Alex Marschman's entry to the IIDA Sustainable Student Design competition is up on the website for voting - please see the website where you can vote (beginning November 22) for People's Choice Award.

Join Us

5th Year IAPD Students will present an overview of their thesis topics on Tuesday, December 10 in the Pierce Commons from 6:30-8:30 PM - Food will be provided. Each student will have 6 slides at 30 seconds each slide, this will be an informative and enjoyable event!

Event Schedule:

Thursday Dec 5 – Faculty Meeting 11:30 am
Monday Dec 9 – Pizza in the Pierce 9:30 pm sponsored by Weigel Library
Tuesday Dec 10 – Thesis Topic Pecha Kucha in Pierce Commons 6:30 - 8:30 (Food provided)
Wednesday Dec 11 – ENVD Final Crit 8:30 am
Wednesday Dec 11 - Flowers for Rachael
Friday Dec 13 – Law Firm 4th Year Final Presentations 1:30 pm
Friday Dec 13 – IAPD 307 Final Crit 1:30 pm
Monday Dec 16 – Dec 20: Finals
Thursday Dec 19 – Faculty Meeting 
11:30 am
Mon Dec 23 – Final Grades Due
Mon Dec 23 – Jan 21 – Winter Break
Wed Jan 15 - 
IAPD Course Share Day 8-5
Thurs Jan 16 - IAPD Retreat 1-5