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College of Architecture, Planning & Design

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Director of Student Recruitment
College of Architecture, Planning and Design

Kansas State University
1127 Regnier Hall
Manhattan KS 66506-2902

785-532-5047 phone
785-532-6722 fax


Banner Images © Tim Hursley


IAPD Advisory Board holds information session with IAPD Students in a full Pierce Commons.

October 27, 2014

Note from the Department 

Thank you to our IAPD Advisory Board for a great meeting last week. The collective intellectual and creative capital in this group is inspiring and we are grateful to have their commitment to us!

Halloween Party
The IAPD student council is holding their annual Halloween Party this Tuesday (tomorrow) at 8 pm in the Seaton Courtyard. Join your fellow classmates for a night for tricks, treats and good times. Wear your costume and dress to impress. 

Graduate School Enrollment 

Remember enrollment for Spring 2015 semester for all graduate students. If you have any issues as you register for classes, please talk to Jayna about it. 

I Like Design Competition

This student design competition asks you to study the evolution of the hotel lobby and create a new design for an urban hotel. The winner of this competition will receive a paid internship at Studio3877 in Washington DC and a trip to NeoCon in June. Deadline is February 23rd. Click here for more information on the requirements and how to apply. 

Class Updates

The second year class is still busy working on their respective final projects, Dustin's class is working on the design of a futuristic dystopia project. 

Freedom Alliance Movie Screening

K-State's Freedom Alliance will be showing the movie "Trade of Innocents" next Tuesday, November 4th at 6:30 at Town Hall in Leadership Studies. Click here for more information about this film and the events occurring with this movie. 

IAPD Events

28th Research and the State Poster Session - KSU Ballroom - 9am-11am
28th IAPD Student Council-sponsoredHalloween Party - Seaton Court Courtyard 8PM - wear your costumes!
30th IAPD Faculty Meeting - Crit Space - 11:30
6th - NO Faculty Meeting
13th - IAPD Faculty Meeting - Crit Space - 11:30
14th - Wine and Cheese - 7:30pm
20th - IAPD Faculty Meeting - Crit Space - 11:30
24-28 - Fall Break