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College of Architecture, Planning & Design

December 1, 2014

5th Year Pecha Kucha

Today is the 5th year class Pecha Kucha and everyone is highly encouraged to come. Each student will have six PowerPoint slides, 20 seconds each to present the background and emphasis for their spring project. This will occur in the Pierce Commons from 5:30 - 7:30 and food will be provided!

10 Year Alumni Honoree

This Thursday and Friday the annual 10-Year Alumni Honorees will be visiting campus and their displays are up in the Chang Gallery. 

Please make sure to attend the presentation by IAPD's Honoree, Brian Pelcak on Friday at 2pm in the Pierce Commons. Brian will be visiting from PGAV Destinations in St. Louis; we look forward to his time with us!

Faculty Awards

Congratulations to Professor Ryadi Adityavarman who, in conjunction with LARCP professor Lorn Clements, have been awarded the 2015 Academic Excellence Fund for the Architectural Drawing Workshop series and creation of a new drawing course. His proposal Teaching Pedagogy on Analytical Drawing for Millennia Students"has been accepted for the workshop in the 2015 IDEC Conference.

IAPD Events

1 - Pecha Kucha - Pierce Commons - 5:30-7:30
4-5 -10 year Alumni Honoree
4th - IAPD Faculty Meeting - Crit Space - 11:30
11th - IAPD Faculty Meeting - Crit Space - 11:30
12th - Last day of Class
15-19 - Finals
22- Jan 19 - Winter Break