
February 2, 2015
Department Head NotesPlan to attend the session today at 5:30 in the Pierce - K-State Launch. Chad Jackson will be speaking about the program and several of you would be ideal candidates with product or furniture design or other ideas, (and the resources available to those who participate are wonderful).
Within the header above, you will see many of the current calls and opportunities available for your participation. These are also found on our IAPD website under "Opportunities":
IIDA Student Mentoring Week
What's Next in Learning Spaces Video Contest
IDSA Call for Education Papers
IDEC Video Contest
In addition, here are two links to a short video and an article from the IDSA website. Be inspired and have a great week!
Portfolios & Professionals
IIDA's Portfolios & Professionals will take place on Friday, February 20th from 1-5 at the Center for Architecture & Design in Kansas City.
This is a great opportunity to have your portfolio (in whatever state it is) looked over and gain invaluable feedback about the professional world. If you are interested in learning more, click here.
APDpro Events
APDpro is offering a number of great opportunities for all students to take part. Events such as K-State Launch kickoff, Resume Critiques for Design Expo and portfolio basics.
Click here for a full list of events and a short description. Try to take full advantage of these great opportunities.
5th Year Announcement
5th years planning to graduate in May:
Applications for graduation are due to Seaton 213 by Friday, February 6th.
You must complete 3 steps to apply for graduation:
1) Complete the Undergraduate Course Completion Plan
2) Complete the Request for Graduation Clearance Form: You DO NOT need to collect signatures of your major professor, advisor or department head
3) Apply for Graduation in KSIS. From your Student Center page, click on the "other academic" drop down menu just below the links to Enroll, DARS, etc, Select "Apply for Graduation" and follow the steps to apply.
There will be a Graduation Meeting on March 4th as well.
Immersion Screen
The Immersion Screen has gone through a number of configurations, but the images are working! This screen, is a large arched screen that is intended to totally immerse the viewer in the images on the screen. It is located in Seaton Court. Talk to Dustin if you want more information!
Design Competitions
Design competitions keep flooding in so take advantage of the opportunities! They are continually updated on our website but here are some of the newest competitions.
What's Next in Learning Space: Sponsored by Herman Miller and IIDA. This is a video contest focused on looking at how learning spaces should evolve in the future. Due March 27, 2015.
American Graphic Design & Advertising graphic design competition: This competition is for all forms of graphic work or advertising. Early Registration: February 10. Due Date: March 5.
EDRA46 Graduate Student Workshop: Applications for the EDRA46 Graduate Student workshop are due February 6th. This workshop will be led by EDRA Student members as well as several founders of the field of Environmental-Behavior.
K-State Launch
K-State Launch is an entrepreneurial idea competition that awards a total of $20,000 each year to K-State students with new venture ideas. Do you have a great idea? Click here and learn about the event. Want to know more? Come to the APDPro: K-State Launch Event in Pierce Commons at 5:30 today (February 2nd).
Graduate Student Council
The graduate student council is holding a number of events including research forums, professional development and financial counseling. Click here for a list of events for the coming semester!
Faculty Teach in Italy
If you are interested in teaching in Italy for Spring 2016, applications are due February 13, 2015. Review the Memo for Proposals here and the Program Information, Guidelines and Application here.
IAPD Events
2 - APDpro: K-State Launch Event - 5:30 pm - Pierce Commons
4 - Design Expo Prep: Resume Critique - 12-1pm - Pierce Commons
5 - NO Faculty Meeting
6 - Design Expo Prep: Resume Critique - 12-1pm - Pierce Commons
9 - Portfolio Basics - 5:30pm - Pierce Commons
11 - Stephen Kieran - Distinguished Lecture - 4pm - Forum Hall
12 - Faculty Meeting - 11:30 - 12:20 - S 202F
16 - Design Expo Prep: Resume Critique - 12-1pm - Pierce Commons
19 - Faculty Meeting - 11:30 - 12:20 - S 202F
20 - Portfolios and Professionals - 1-5 pm - Kansas City
26 - Faculty Meeting - 11:30 - 12:20 - S 202F