May 27, 2015
AWFS Fresh Wood FinalistsCongratulations to Dylan Howe and Robyn Tank who both had their furniture accepted as finalists in the AWFS 2015 Fresh Wood Student Competition. Dylan's "Eleanor Lounge Chair" and Robyn's "Bijou Table" will travel to Las Vegas from July 22-25 for the final competition and showing.
Design Intelligence Survey
The 2015 Design Intelligence Survey invites students to fill out a short survey about their design program with questions about their personal perceptions of their program. Responses are kept anonymous.
Please participate in these surveys for Interior Design and Industrial Design.
Due Date is August 1st!
Prosthetic Skins Update
The 3D Printing of the Prosthetic Skins project designed by 2nd year IAPD students under the direction of Dustin Headley and Allan Hastings continues - see the newest image below!
IAPD Merchandise
IAPD Merchandise makes great gifts! Available in the IAPD Office or contact iapd@ksu.edu.