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College of Architecture, Planning & Design

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Director of Student Recruitment
College of Architecture, Planning and Design

Kansas State University
1127 Regnier Hall
Manhattan KS 66506-2902

785-532-5047 phone
785-532-6722 fax


Banner Images © Tim Hursley

APDesign Newsletter 4.16.12


APDesign will be participating in the all-university Open House this Saturday, April 21, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Scheduled activities include:

  • Demonstrations of the CNC router. Demonstrations start at 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 1:30 and 2:30.

  • Tour the APDesign green roof! Professor Lee Skabelund will lead green roof tours at 11 and 11:30.

  • Apply for a permit and design your building in the SPA’s Box City, located in Seaton 106C.

  • Swing by the OZ table to learn more about our student-run journal. The table will be located on Seaton Street on the 2nd floor.

  • AIAS hosts Battle of the Bands in Pierce Commons. The sets are scheduled to start around 10 a.m.

  • Construct a masterpiece in our LEGO playspace on the 3rd floor of Seaton outside the LA/RCP office. SPA will also have a table outside the Edmonds Center to answer questions about planning.

  • Stop by Weigel Library to get a treat and learn more about the library.

  • The K-State Women in Design chapter will be holding an Architect Barbie workshop on Seaton Street. Stop by to design Barbie’s dream house.

  • Intro to APDesign in Seaton 63: This 30-minute presentation is designed for high school students and guests to explore our programs and professions. Susan Lannou will give these presentations at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

  • Professor Lee Skabelund will also lead a tour of the Rain Garden at the International Student Center at 1 p.m.

  • EDSA will be selling APDesign merchandise at a table at the top of the Pierce Commons.

  • As ever, we will have student work by students in all disciplines lining the halls of Seaton Hall, and in several classrooms as well. Be sure you don’t miss Open House!


Professor and architect Mabel Matamoros will be on campus from April 17 to May 5 to meet with faculty and students in several departments and campus organizations for discussions on a variety of cultural and architectural topics

Matamoros is being brought to campus with assistance from the College of Architecture, Planning & Design; the Department of Geography; the Office of International Programs; the Department of Modern Languages and Alianza.

Matamoros, who teaches at the Jose Antonio Echevarria Polytechnic Institute in Havana, is coming to K-State to help incorporate global perspectives into classes in interior architecture and geography and to give lectures and lead discussions on Cuban architecture and society.

The main lecture will be at 4 p.m. Monday, April 23, in the Little Theatre at the K-State Student Union. The lecture, “An Overview of Cuba Today” is free and open to the public.


Dr. Robin Moore, director of the Natural Learning Initiative will be speaking on Thursday, April 26, at the 2012 Engagement Symposium, “A Day of Learning: Communities Engaging Landscape.” The symposium is hosted by the Center for Engagement and Community Development (CECD) and the Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional & Community Planning at Kansas State University.

The keynote address, provided by Dr. Moore, will begin in the Flint Hills Room of the K-State Student Union at 1 p.m. Dr. Moore’s address will focus on how and why communities are engaging childhood learning through landscape.

“We are extremely pleased to be able to bring in Dr. Robin Moore to talk about his Natural Learning Initiative, which promotes the importance of the natural environment in the daily experience of children, through environmental design, action research, education, and dissemination of information,” said David Procter, director of CECD.

Dr. Moore holds degrees in architecture and urban planning and is currently a professor at North Carolina State University. He speaks at universities around the world on various topics such as child development, landscape architecture, and environmental education.

Dr. Moore has many well known design pieces such as the Environmental Yard in Berkeley, CA; Nature Playscape in the Cincinnati, OH; and Kids Together Park in Cary, NC. In addition, he has authored and co-authored multiple books and articles including Children’s Domain: Play and Place in Child Development (1986), Plants for Play (1993), and Natural Learning (1997).

For more information on Dr. Moore, go to www.naturalearning.org. To get more information on attending the Engagement Symposium, go to www.ksu.edu/cecd.


Register for the 4th Annual Transforming & Revitalizing Downtown Summit,
being hosted in Hamilton, Ontario on June 6 & 7, 2012.

Visit http://www.revitalizingdowntowns.net to view the agenda and register.

Mention/Enter VIP Code TRD100 when registering and SAVE $100. This
offer will expire on April 20th, 2012.

Benefit from this summit with:

Inspiring Case Studies to Stimulate Ideas for Vibrant Downtowns:
Hear leading practitioners from diverse disciplines across Canada and
around the world discuss innovative approaches to enhancing livability
in municipalities of all sizes.

Reverse downtown decline. Transform underused infrastructure for public
use. Secure private investments to fund community spaces. Engage your
community in your master plans.

Unique Networking Opportunities:
This summit attracts a mix of stakeholders in urban development including
planners, policymakers, politicians, architects, developers, BIA
executives and more. Take this opportunity to network with your peers
and share your experiences and challenges in the field.

Downtown Hamilton Workshop:
Tour downtown Hamilton at a special post-conference workshop, and gain
insight into the how the city has taken bold initiatives to transform its
physical, economic and social landscape.

When: June 6 & 7, 2012, workshop: June 8, 2012
Where: Crowne Plaza, Hamilton

To register visit: http://www.revitalizingdowntowns.net
Reminder: The early bird offer will expire on April 20th, 2012. No
extensions will be granted past the deadline.


Professor Katrina Lewis and her sister Summer are exhibiting 31 photographs and a complementing narrative at the Manhattan Arts Center. The show, titled Bangladesh: Colours of Culture and Context, opened this past weekend, and it will run through May 26. The photos are from Lewis’s year spent in Bangladesh (2009-10) at a new liberal arts women’s university.


Just a reminder that this week’s all-College faculty/staff meeting on Thursday has been moved to 1:30 p.m. The meeting will still take place in Seaton 104.


The annual APDesign ice cream social is Friday, April 27 at 3:30 p.m. We will be scooping up Call Hall ice cream and honoring some College award winners. You won’t want to miss it!