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College of Architecture, Planning & Design

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Director of Student Recruitment
College of Architecture, Planning and Design

Kansas State University
1127 Regnier Hall
Manhattan KS 66506-2902

785-532-5047 phone
785-532-6722 fax


Banner Images © Tim Hursley

APDesign Newsletter 1.28.13


Ray Huff of Huff + Gooden Architects in Charleston, South Carolina, will be delivering the annual APDesign Diversity Lecture in conjunction with K-State’s Martin Luther King Jr. week celebrations. Huff’s lecture, “Successive Approximations” will be at 4 p.m. today Monday, January 28, in the Little Theatre at the K-State Student Union. The lecture is free and the public is encouraged to attend.

Ray Huff has successfully combined teaching and practice to engage questions of architecture and design. This symbiotic relationship has been critical to his work and study for over twenty years. Prior to his founding the firm with partner Mario Gooden, he conducted design studios for twenty-five years in South Carolina and was the founding director of the Clemson Architecture Center (CAC) in Charleston. He continues to hold the position of Assistant Professor of Architecture at the CAC. His professional experience included a mentorship with noted Florida architect Donald Singer. In 1974 he founded the design practice Synergy Architects in Clemson, South Carolina where he won numerous design awards and taught design studio at Clemson University before relocating to Charleston.

In addition to teaching at the CAC, Mr. Huff held the distinguished Bishop Chair at Yale University’s Graduate School of Architecture and he has lectured at numerous educational institutions. He has also been a keynote speaker at AIA conventions in Minneapolis, Minnesota, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Nashville, Tennessee. He was also the keynote speaker for the design symposium at Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Germany hosted by the German Theorists Cloud-Cuckoo-Land.

Publications regarding Mr. Huff’s work include Architecture Record, Architecture, Progressive Architecture, A+U, Cree, Hauser, Metropolis, New York Times, and other periodicals and newspapers. His work is also featured in Beach Houses, Archispeak, South Carolina Architecture 1970-2000, and numerous other books. In 2001 Ray Huff and Mario Gooden were recognized by the Architectural League of New York  with the distinguished honor of “Emerging Voices.”  Huff + Gooden Architects  was simultaneously recognized by Architectural Record Magazine as one of six leading firms practicing exceptional architecture outside the “…Centers of Fashion.” Awards have included numerous American Institute of Architects awards the most recent having been firm honor and merit awards for Mary Ford Elementary and the Herbert Hasell Aquatic Facility. He presently serves as a PEER professional with the GSA’s Design Excellence Program.


Ray Huff of Huff + Gooden Architects in Charleston, South Carolina, will be having a Q&A with APDesign students at 1 p.m. Tuesday, January 29, in the Pierce Commons. The topic of the Q&A is “Creating Your Own Practice,” and it is presented by NOMAS.

Ray Huff has successfully combined teaching and practice to engage questions of architecture and design. This symbiotic relationship has been critical to his work and study for over twenty years. Prior to his founding the firm with partner Mario Gooden, he conducted design studios for twenty-five years in South Carolina and was the founding director of the Clemson Architecture Center (CAC) in Charleston. He continues to hold the position of Assistant Professor of Architecture at the CAC. His professional experience included a mentorship with noted Florida architect Donald Singer. In 1974 he founded the design practice Synergy Architects in Clemson, South Carolina, where he won numerous design awards.


The work of AlterStudio Architects in Austin, Texas, is on display in the Chang Gallery now. “Looking for Trouble: 5 Houses in Austin, Texas” will be on display in the Chang through Friday, February 15.

Kevin Alter will be in Manhattan to discuss his work at 4 p.m. Monday, February 11, in the Little Theatre at the K-State Student Union. The lecture is free and open to the public.


Vladimir Krstic, AIA, professor and director of the Kansas City Design Center, was named Educator of the Year by AIA Kansas City. Professor Krstic was given the award “for outstanding dedication and support of excellence in architecture education.” The AIA Kansas City annual Board of Directors Awards recognize individuals or firms who have made significant contributions in advancing or preserving the built environment of metropolitan Kansas City.


All APDesign students, faculty and staff are invited to a reception for Lance on Wednesday, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. in the Pierce Commons. Lance is off on a new adventure soon, and anyone who wants the opportunity to wish Lance well and thank him for everything he has done for everyone at APDesign is encouraged to stop by.


Weigel Library has a new website: http://www.lib.k-state.edu/architecture 

Here’s what you will find on our site created by K-State Libraries: 

The best places to start are:
Catalog - for materials owned by K-State
Avery index to architectural periodicals - for journal or magazine articles
ARTstor - for images
Architectural databases - links to other databases for ARCH, IAPD, LA/RCP 

Additional resources include:
New resources - recent books and media additions

Class guides 

Services offered:
Locate course reserves
Renew library materials
Request an interlibrary loan
Stack guide

Bookmark this page! It is the first step to your library, its outstanding resources and services.

One final note: The link to the database provided last week in the newsletter was incorrect. The new link is:http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=asu


The Decision Dinner for first-year students is tonight at 5:30 p.m. at Kramer Dining Center. If you haven’t already, please let Donna Fullmer know ASAP that you plan to attend.


The Wichita Downtown Development Corporation is sponsoring a landscape architecture design studio for the spring 2013 semester. To celebrate this APDesign collaboration with the Wichita design community, GLMV Architecture has graciously offered to host a reception for APDesign students, faculty and local design professionals this Friday, February 1, from 5-6 p.m. at GLMV (1525 E. Douglas Avenue.) This event is an excellent opportunity for faculty to enhance APDesign’s relationship with the Wichita Downtown Development Corporation and the professional design community in Wichita.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP to info@downtownwichita.org or (316) 264-6005

The sponsored studio is paying for a minivan for APDesign faculty to travel to Wichita for the event, and the first 7 people to RSVP to Jody Fronce (jodyf@k-state.edu) will get a seat. Passengers will need to agree on driving responsibilities.


The Auroville Green Practices Summer School is offering a sustainable design & building workshop for architecture and design students in India from July 22-August 11, 2013. Participants will have a deep emergence into questions of ecological leadership and will translate this quest into a collaborative design and building project using locally available material.

For more information, go to http://www.agpworkshops.com