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College of Architecture, Planning & Design

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Director of Student Recruitment
College of Architecture, Planning and Design

Kansas State University
1127 Regnier Hall
Manhattan KS 66506-2902

785-532-5047 phone
785-532-6722 fax


Banner Images © Tim Hursley



President Schulz talks with students who presented design proposals for a K-State Multicultural Center during this past weekend's design charrette-Photo courtesy of LA|RCP


There will be a release coming out tomorrow with all of the weekend details and information about the charrette and jurors. Stay tuned!

2014 Spring Ph.D Student Colloquia Schedule:

February 25, 2014
Katie Burke - “Measuring Gully Erosion in Two Disturbed Kansas Landscapes”

March 4, 2014
Calayde Davey - “Productive Urban Landscapes: The Relationship Between Urban Agriculture and Neighborhood Property Values”

New endowed scholarship supports architecture students

By Hayli Morrison

Robert and Kathy Jonas, Overland Park, were proud when their son, Tim, achieved his lifelong dream of graduating from K-State's College of Architecture, Planning & Design. They were also thrilled to discover the ease of helping other K-State students achieve that same dream.

With a $34,000 pledge payable over five years, the couple is gradually funding an endowed scholarship in honor of Tim, who now works as an architectural intern at Flad Architects in San Francisco.

“I think we felt like you’ve got to have lump sum cash to be able to do a scholarship, and we found that not to be true. Doing that over a period of time lets you achieve a large goal by making it more attainable,” said Robert Jonas, who is a 1973 alumni of the K-State College of Business Administration.

The Jonases decided to endow the scholarship, meaning the principal amount would remain invested and the resulting investment earnings would fund the annual scholarship.

“We thought an endowed scholarship was important because it would be something that could go on and on after we’re gone,” Robert Jonas said. “If more people would do that, we could help a lot of students reach their goals.”

The couple was motivated to give for three reasons: a love of K-State, a desire to ease the burden of student loan debt, and to create a vehicle for their family’s continued support of the university.

“Many times decisions are laid out for you due to economics, social pressures, or lack of support, and people’s opportunities are dictated by these circumstances,” Tim Jonas said. “I have had the unique opportunity to choose where and how I want to live, all while pursuing a career that I have chosen and love. This scholarship will provide those same advantages to others and in turn help them achieve that same level of freedom with their futures.” 

Portfolios and Professionals – IAPD Sweeps the Competition

By: Mary Cosimano

MANHATTAN - Students of Interior Architecture & Product Design participated in a not-so-normal competition and discussion on Friday, February 7th. Students traveled to 360 Architecture in Kansas City to meet with design professionals for the second annual Portfolios + Professionals.

Sponsored by the International Interior Design Association (IIDA), students from multiple schools spent the afternoon showing off their portfolios as well as discussing with professionals the transition from school to the professional world.

The event began with an open portfolio session where professionals from different Kansas City firms reviewed students’ portfolios (in varying levels of completeness). Professionals reviewed each portfolio and talked over strong points, as well as weaknesses. Each student received detailed feedback that will ultimately help in developing a strong portfolio.

Beyond receiving feedback from professionals, students were also vying for three prizes. Prizes were given away for the best portfolio and best portfolio in progress. There was also a drawing for a student membership to IIDA. IAPD fifth year graduate students swept the competition winning all three of the prizes available. Kate Moeder of Wichita won the raffle and received the student membership to IIDA; Marcus Appleby of Overland Park won ‘Best Portfolio in Progress’ and received a one-on-one meeting with 360 Architecture’s graphic design department; Kayla Hales of Overland Park won ‘Best Portfolio’ and received a day-long job shadow at 360 Architecture.

The second half of the afternoon gave students an opportunity to participate in a panel discussion. Professionals covered topics that ranged from how to approach the current job market, how to sell yourself in your resume and how to make yourself stand out. Panel participants included Adam Stover of Populous, Trevor Hoiland of Blackbird Design Studio, Kelly Lankford of KHL Design Studio, Kali Buchanan or Hufft Projects, Kristen Goodman of GoodLINES and Stacy Roth of Scott Rice.

All students who participated found wealth in the advice they were given and the professionals, enjoyed sharing their knowledge. The connection between student and professional is important and IIDA has helped by offering a number of opportunities such as Portfolios + Professionals to open these networks.  

2014 Commencement  Information Meeting –

This is a notice to all 5th year students that there will be a meeting to discuss the details involving commencement on 12 March 2014 at 5:30pm in Seaton 063. 

Hawkinson to present Ekdahl Distinguished Lecture for College of Architecture, Planning & Design

By Braedon Burgess

A Columbia University professor and New York-based architect will present the Ekdahl Distinguished Lecture for the architecture department at Kansas State University's College of Architecture, Planning & Design.

Laurie Hawkinson's lecture, "Moving Space," will be at 4 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24, in the K-State Student Union's Little Theatre. The event is free and the public is welcome.

Hawkinson received her Master of Fine Arts from the University of California, Berkeley, then attended the Whitney Independent Study Program in New York and received her professional degree in architecture from The Cooper Union in 1983. She is currently an associate professor of architecture at Columbia University.

Hawkinson had been a visiting adjunct professor at the Southern California Institute of Architecture, Harvard University, Yale University, Parsons School of Design and the University of Miami. She is a board member of the Architectural League of New York, a past member of the board of governors of the New York Foundation for the Arts and served as a panelist for the New York State Council on the Arts in Architecture, Planning and Design from 1986-1989.

Some of her notable collaborative projects include the North Carolina Museum of Art's master site plan and project, now built, for an outdoor cinema and amphitheater with artist Barbara Kruger and landscape architect Nicholas Quennell; the Los Angeles Arts Park competition; and the Seattle Waterfront Project, also with Kruger and Quennell. A registered architect in New York, Hawkinson is certified by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards.

Hawkinson works for Smith-Miller + Hawkinson Architects LLP, a New York City-based design studio in architecture, urban design, installations and exhibitions, as well as objects and products. Across the U.S. and abroad, the firm has designed public and private projects, including museums, parks, transportation terminals, performing arts spaces, privates residences, government facilities, a series of museum exhibitions and installations, and furniture and objects.

Founded more than 35 years ago as a memorial honoring Topeka architect and university alumnus Oscar Ekdahl, the Ekdahl Lectures bring practitioners, teachers, critics, theorists and artists to campus for interaction with students, faculty and alumni. The lecture series focuses on issues affecting the quality of the physical environment and the leadership roles played by the speakers. The purpose of the series is to inform and challenge as well as to reinforce and complement the educational programs of the College of Architecture, Planning & Design.

Upcoming Lectures

The lectures below also count towards APDpro credit. Please remember to sign in at the table prior to each lecture.

Laurie Hawkinson
Ekdahl Lecture – Department of Architecture
Monday, February 24, 2014 4:00 p.m.
K-State Union Little Theater

Weigel Library's Third Floor Tidbits 

APDesign students, faculty and staff – have you seen this invitation to participate?  Be sure you take the time to do just that!  

Complete a library survey for a chance to win an iPad Mini

By Leo Lo

As we plan for the K-State Libraries future, it is important that we understand the perceptions and expectations of our campus community so that we may provide the services and resources that K-Staters need to be successful. 

LibQUAL is a survey developed by the Association of Research Libraries to measure library service quality and identify best practices. To date, it has been taken by more than 1 million users at more than 1,000 libraries throughout the world.

K-State participated in LibQUAL in 2011 and we made several improvements based on the results, including expanding quiet and group study areas, creating study rooms for graduate students and greatly increasing our electronic resources. Your voice was heard and we want to listen again.

Please take the time to complete the survey, which should take about 15 minutes of your time.

To show our appreciation, when you complete the survey you may choose to submit your email address for drawings for:

  • One of two Apple iPad Minis
  • One of 10 pairs of $20 movie passes


The survey is open from Feb. 17 to March 14. Please make sure you complete the survey before the deadline to be eligible for the drawings.

We greatly appreciate your help and thank you for your participation.

Participating in this LibQUAL survey gives you an opportunity to voice your opinion about K-State Libraries, including Weigel Library.  Complete the survey based on “the library that you use most often”. (Question 17)  

The responses received can direct changes to be made to the Libraries now – facilities, resources and services.  The results from this LibQUAL survey can also provide important feedback as plans are made for the new Weigel in the new Seaton!

Take advantage of this venue to share your thoughts about Weigel and K-State Libraries.  The survey will be available until March 14, the Friday before Spring Break.