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College of Architecture, Planning & Design

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Director of Student Recruitment
College of Architecture, Planning and Design

Kansas State University
1127 Regnier Hall
Manhattan KS 66506-2902

785-532-5047 phone
785-532-6722 fax


Banner Images © Tim Hursley

NEW! APDesign Alumni Design Awards

Entries for the 2020 APDesign Alumni Design Awards are now OPEN FOR SUBMISSION!

Alumni Awards

Alumni Fellows

The Alumni Fellow program is celebrated annually by all Kansas State University academic colleges and is coordinated by the Kansas State University Alumni Association.

See the Fellows

2019 William Sullivan, LA
2018 Tom Phillips, RCP
2017 Richard Martin, ARCH
2016 Larry King, IAPD
2015 John Norris, LA
2014 Raymond "Ray" Willis, MRCP
2013 Bill Livingston, ARCH
2012 Marvin Manlove, IAPD
2011 Charles "Chip" Crawford III, LA
2010 James Pendowski, RCP
2009 Casey Cassias, ARCH
2008 John Renner, IAPD
2007 Lynn Moore, LA
2006 John Hedeen, RCP
2005 Martin Anthony (Tony) Rangel, ARCH
2004 Ward V Wells, IAPD
2003 Larry Walling, LA
2002 Dennis McKee, RCP
2001 Victor Regnier, ARCH
2000 Merle F. Brown, IAPD
1999 Stanley Cowan, LA
1998 Vicki L. Noteis, ARCH
1997 Dato' Zainuddin bin Muhammad, RCP
1996 Thomas A. Tyler, IAPD
1995 J. Steve Ownby, LA
1994 Charles D. Linn, ARCH
1993 Kathryn Annis Wilson, RCP
1992 Alan Lauck, IAPD
1991 Leland Blackledge, ARCH
1990 J "Kipp" Shrack, LA
1989 Dr. Clyde Weaver, RCP
1988 Jack Jones, ARCH
1988 Margaret Jones, LA
1987 Paul C. K. Lu, ARCH
1986 Evie Asken, ARCH
1985 John B Rogers, ARCH

Alumni Honorees

The annual Alumni Honoree Program was established to recognize outstanding graduates of the College of Architecture, Planning & Design and to bring them into dialogue with students, faculty and university administrators. Alumni Honorees are 10 years out of the College of Architecture, Planning & Design.

See the Honorees

2019 (Full press release)

Adam and Rebekah Wagoner, ARCH
Gia Zapattini, IAPD
Stephanie Peterson, RCP
Ian Scherling, LA

2018 (Full press release)

Clemente Jaquez, ARCH
Carly Pumphrey, IAPD
Chris Sass, LA
Chad Bunger, RCP

2017 (click for full press release)

Gustavo Ramirez, ARCH
Michelle Rotherham, IAPD
Sarah Anzicek, RCP
Celine Armstrong, LA

2016 (Full press release)

Corbin Keech, Arch
Drew and Melissa Marlow, IAPD
Katie Martin, LA
Ryan McKay, RCP

2015 (Full press release)

Brad Kingsley, ARCH
Daniel Creekmore, IAPD
John Payne, LA
Danielle Hollrah, RCP

2014 (click for full press release)

Jason Gregory, LA
Brian Pelack, IAPD
Benedict Ehreth,RCP
Gregory Thomas Spaw, ARCH

2013 (click for full press release)

Manjula Boyina and Diwakar Vadapalli, RCP
Elena Vossman Scott, LA
Matthew Sturich, ARCH
Katie Hoke, IAPD


Lauren Wendlandt, ARCH
Adam Stover, IAPD
Joshua Bender, LA
Rajesh Uttaravalli, RCP


Jess McNeely, RCP
Lynn Oliver, LA
Amie Keener, IAPD
Addie Abushousheh, ARCH


Eric Taylor, LA
Ryan Fronick, IAPD
Christopher Fein, ARCH


Jason Jaggi, RCP
Heidi (Bielenberg) Pollmann, LA
Adam Herbig, IAPD
Ryan Robinett,ARCH


Paul Freeland, LA
Greg Nelson, IAPD
Brent Crittenden and Sarah Gibson, ARCH


Shelli (Barr) Rushing, RCP
Jamie Fogle, LA
Aaron Nies, IAPD
Brian Jones, ARCH


Don Burchett, RCP
Kerri Burchett, RCP
Scott Bingham, LA
Shel Barry, IAPD
Yoonhie Lee, ARCH


Russell Ewy, RCP
Jon Seier, LA
Rhonda (Dillon) Hileman, IAPD
Shawn Basler, ARCH


CJ Eisenbarth Hager, RCP
Mary Epperson Gourlay, LA
Kurt Schlough, IAPD
Christopher DeGuentz, ARCH


Brenda Sedlacek, RCP
Steve Rhoades, LA
Torry Hessman, IAPD
Doug Stockman, ARCH
Tim Hossler, ARCH


Dawn Landholm, RCP
Ken Puncerelli, LA
Wes Crosby, IAPD
Jay Siebenmorgen, ARCH


Kevin Khung, LA
Kimberly Johnson, IAPD
Antonio Duncan, ARCH


Kim Brophy, RCP
Neal Kessler, LA
Michele Willett Wilson, IAPD
Rohn Grotenhuis, ARCH


Paul Kissinger, LA
Lori Franke, IAPD
John Eck, ARCH


Tarek Moneir, RCP
Phillip Smith, LA
Gregory Miller, IAPD
Richa Wilson, ARCH


Margret Kaii-Ziegler, RCP
Mohammed Nuru, LA
Claudia M. Pratt, IAPD
Craig Schultz, ARCH


Rebecca Hessel Garten, RCP
Timothy S. Rorvig, LA
Glen A. Miller, IAPD
Mark Chaney, ARCH


Steven N. Rodie, LA
Charles (Chuck) Mies, IAPD
Mark Banholzer, ARCH


John Royster, LA
Tina Van Dyke LeCoff, LA
Michelle Wempe, IAPD
Jonathan R. Knight, ARCH
Judi E. Bauer, ARCH


Tom Phillips, RCP
Linda Cleland, LA
Joan Minneman Cannon, IAPD
Annette Haflich Shaver, ARCH


Cathy Stackpole, RCP
Rod Harms, LA
Stephanie Rolley, LA
Steven Hefta, IAPD
Thomas Waggoner, ARCH


James Pendowski, RCP
Julianne Niemann, LA
Pam Ziegenfuss, IAPD
Dixie Roberts Junk, ARCH
Robert Junk, ARCH


David Gnaegy, LA