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College of Architecture, Planning & Design

Archetype Design Group

Address:8010 State Line Rd
Suite #150
City:Leawood, Ks 66208
Contact:Jim Lichty
  • Architecture
Positions Available:1
Title:Intern architect
Application Closing Date:May 31, 2013
Application Response Requirements:Letter of Interest Resume Listing of relevant coursework Portfolio samples
Position Description:
Every position at Archetype is considered a project architect or project manager and each requires thinking and acting as or very much like an architect 24/7/365. We have no positions with the title of receptionist, clerk, drafter, researcher, estimator, construction administrator, assistant (anything), vice president (of a anything), president, CFO, CMO, COO, or CEO; but this position requires that you do the work of each.
Required Experience, Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
Autocad proficiency, verbal and graphic communication skills with any audience, superior grammar, a demonstrated sense of three dimensional perception and composition, and above average competence in manipulation of a broad range of digital hardware and software are all expected in a newly hired intern or professional.
Firm, Agency, or Organization Overview / Description:
Archetype is a small full service architectural firm working throughout the US in multiple categories of public and private architecture.
Submitted:March 28, 2013