Marketplace Royalties and Awards

Marketplace Royalties and Awards
Meet Roo

This occasional table and accessories is an award-winning design by Garrett Steinlage ('17) and Chelsea Flickinger ('17). It was developed in a partnership with OFS a national manufacturer of furniture. Roo hit the marketplace by storm at the 2018 NeoCon, the Chicago-based expo. NeoCon serves as the commercial design industry’s launching pad for innovation in interior products. In this launch Roo was the Winner of Best of NeoCon 2018 — Silver Award in the occasional tables category and won an Honors Innovative Product (HIP) accessories award in 2019 as they added a plant stand and a coat tree to the product line. These two students, now design professionals, have achieved with this recognition what other designers wait their whole lifetimes to accomplish. With Roo these designers, along with the IAID department receive royalties from OFS as it sells nationwide. This product showcases the type of talent our students and faculty have in designing for today and tomorrow.
Please join us and add your mark on the industry even before you leave school!
Sloan, an MCAA member, has partnered with Kansas State University to sponsor two courses in the Department of Interior Architecture and Industrial Design (IAID). The sponsorship builds on Sloan’s relationship with the university, which is also home to an MCAA Student Chapter.
Created to equip students with a background in product research, design, and development, the courses—an undergraduate class for third-year students and a masters-level class for fifth-year students—provide opportunities to learn and innovate the future of interior restroom design as students enter into the workforce.