Faculty Research Interests
Key words related to faculty research, scholarship and creative activities
Anne Beamish: Sidewalks, streets and parks; 18th-19th century pleasure gardens; memory and commemoration; nighttime and nightlife; street lighting; dark sky; cultural life of trees, evolution of public space and urban infrastructure; public art; urban history; developing countries; production of building materials; design of online communities
Blake Belanger: Landscape architecture, urban design, resilience theory, nonlinear dynamics, emergence, mapping, diagramming, design process, photomontage, creativity in design studio, multi-modal argumentation
Jason Brody: Urban design, urban planning, urban development, planning history, professional knowledge, discourse analysis, design inquiry, communication, urban regeneration, downtown development, public space, town planning
Dea Brokesh: Green infrastructure design, implementation & management; effective use of plants & materials in the campus landscape; landscape architecture practice (including record-keeping), government contracting, irrigation, grant administration/contracting
Jessica Canfield: Aesthetics, perception, landscape performance, conceptual design, parks, urban public space, digital representation, design communication
Mick Charney: Frank Lloyd Wright, architectural history, modern architecture, general education, liberal education, best practices in teaching, social networks
Lorn Clement: Language, conceptual frameworks, history and theory of landscape architecture, architecture and site, environmental law, public lands and natural resources law, commemoration, collaboration, Dwight D. Eisenhower memorial
Gary Coates: Resilient and sustainable architecture and urbanism, bioclimatic dwelling design, net zero energy building design, agricultural urbanism, the sustainable urban district of Kronsberg (Hannover), Germany, sustainable urbanism in Sweden and Finland, the architecture of Erik Asmussen and Carl Nyrén (20th-century modern Swedish architects), ecological literacy and sustainable design education
Robert Condia: Metaphysics of architecture, creativity, intuition, creative act, teaching expertise, coaching design studio, signature pedagogies, intuition stands to reason, architectural internship
Steve Davidson: Hand, eye, mind, tactile learning, sketching, iteration, prototyping
Tim de Noble: Architectural design, architectural analysis, architectural typology, urban analysis, small town morphology, design pedagogy, architecture curricula, structural systems, enclosure systems, design leadership
Huston Gibson: Sustainable community development, land-use, infrastructure, local and regional economics, housing, schools, and redevelopment policies
Howard Hahn: Visual assessment, visual simulation, aesthetics, floor area ratio, FAR, parking garage, planning, site planning, site development coverage, LEED-ND, green infrastructure, digital landscape modeling, synthetic landscapes, computer graphics, landscape modeling, wetlands, meadows, conservation development, best management practices
Nathan Howe: Architectural design, digital fabrication, algorithmic modeling, parametricism, associative design, material intelligence, prefabrication
Jon Hunt: Fine arts, graphic design, land art, drawing, visual thinking, encaustics, mixed media, publication design, color, visual representation, earth art, environmental art, observation, visual communication, typography, creative process, sensual and emotive documentation, psychogeography
Vibhavari Jani: Sustainability, green design, technology, non-Western architecture, interior design, culture, vernacular architecture, community service, service learning
Tim Keane: Fluvial geomorphology, landscape ecology, natural channel design restoration, watershed assessment, streambank erosion, stream sediment dynamics, stream channel stability assessment, ecological site analysis, landscape perception and aesthetics, green infrastructure and urban stream restoration
John Keller: Rural planning and development, local economic development, comprehensive planning, town planning, stakeholder and community member surveys and questionnaires
Hyung Jin Kim: Healthy and walkable community, evidence-based design, urban network and spatial analysis, active transportation, transit-oriented development. Current research: Barriers and opportunities for safe routes to school in the City of Manhattan
Katie Kingery-Page: Landscape and art, landscape as a cultural product, history and theory of landscape architecture, native plants and theory of place, streets as primary urban infrastructure and public space, learning landscapes
Matt Knox: Architectural visualization, digital visual effects, architectural film, architectural animation, architectural perception, architectural cinematography
Katrina Lewis: Beginning design education, social justice, cross-cultural contexts, photography, travel
Peter Magyar: Design process, topology in architecture, African architecture, “spaceprints” as interfaces between space and non-space, and “surface–continuity” as design tool
Michael McGlynn: Architectural technology and design integration, design diagramming, sustainable architecture
Stephanie Rolley: Visual thinking, creative processes and charette events, diagramming and mapping, community engagement and design, impact of historic plans on contemporary cities, the future of professional planning and design education
David Sachs: Architectural history, urban history, photographic ethnography, oral history
David Seamon: Place, environmental behavior, place making, phenomenology, Goethean science, space syntax, Christopher Alexander’s theory of wholeness
Susanne Siepl-Coates: Relationships between human health/well being and the designed environment, environments to promote walking and bicycling, architecture of palliative care
Lee Skabelund: Low-impact design and development, watershed-sensitive planning/design, landscape ecology, ecological restoration, stormwater management, ecological green roofs, rain-garden and bio-retention planning, design and management, environmental impact assessment, park planning/design, planting design, sustainable communities
La Barbara Wigfall: Community identity, cultural landscape documentation, community development, adaptive leadership and community empowerment, photolanguage/photovoice