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College of Architecture, Planning & Design

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Director of Student Recruitment
College of Architecture, Planning and Design

Kansas State University
1127 Regnier Hall
Manhattan KS 66506-2902

785-532-5047 phone
785-532-6722 fax


Banner Images © Tim Hursley



Message From the Dean:

Dear Friends,
We are GO! The day we have waited for, and often wondered if it would ever come, is here!
The Kansas Legislature passed and the Governor signed legislation approving the funding for the Revitalization of our Seaton Complex. The legislation included annual payments and authority to issue $60 million in bonds for the $75 million project. Our design and construction team is hard at work on the construction documents in anticipation of having shovels in the ground in September.
It has taken amazing efforts on the part of the Kansas State University administration, APDesign alumni and the faculty, staff and students of APDesign to get to this point. Advocacy is a team sport! Our formula for success on this front started with the enduring excellence imbedded in our programs and our consistent national reputation. We were able to build from this in advocating for state monies to match funds generated through fees, tuition, research and most of all, philanthropy.
While we are on track to get construction underway, we still need to meet our commitments for private funding. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be a part of the most significant moment in the history of APDesign. Please consider investing in this project by making your commitment today. Feel free to contact Damon Fairchild, Natalie Shoemaker or me to learn more about naming and sponsorship opportunities.
Please make your plans to attend the Groundbreaking Ceremony to be held at 11:00am on September 4th, 2015, with lunch to follow! It will be quite an event!
PS. Speaking of national reputations, please take time to complete the DesignIntelligence survey by clicking HERE.


Description: im de Noble, AIATimothy de Noble, Professor and Dean











Description: amon FairchildDamon Fairchild, Development Director










Description: on CrawfordNatalie Shoemaker, Development Officer


















DesignIntelligence, published by the Greenway Group, is again conducting its annual survey of design professionals, publishing the results in their annual "America's Best Architecture & Design Schools" issue. DesignIntelligence has requested that deans forward the links to this year's surveys to alumni professionals involved in the hiring process.

As a result of efforts to more widely distribute the survey the 2014 survey results were significantly increased in the amount of participation from across the nation. For this reason, our ranking last year was even more meaningful as they reflected a deeper pool of respondents, and in turn, a deeper appreciation for the quality of our graduates. Hopefully this year's broadcast will have the same result. 
All of us at APDesign would greatly appreciate your taking the time to complete the survey by clicking the link(s) as well as forwarding the following links to all appropriate parties:

Landscape Architecture
Interior Design

Also, please be reminded that all of our degrees are now GRADUATE DEGREES. While you personally may hold an undergraduate degree from APDesign, students are now enrolled in five-year master's programs exclusively, altered as necessary from the undergraduate model to meet the university requirements for graduate study. While we no longer offer undergraduate degrees, we strive to uphold the rigors of the practice-based paradigm and professional preparedness that have long distinguished our APDesign degrees. Thus we would appreciate focusing your evaluation on the graduate category for degrees offered in our College.