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College of Architecture, Planning & Design

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Director of Student Recruitment
College of Architecture, Planning and Design

Kansas State University
1127 Regnier Hall
Manhattan KS 66506-2902

785-532-5047 phone
785-532-6722 fax


Banner Images © Tim Hursley


Assistant Professor Hahn's Conservation Communities Specialization Studio
Landscape Architecture | Regional and Community Planning

MONDAY MEMO 09.23.13


LA l RCP Advisory Council will be on campus Sept. 26-27. Please review this agenda with revised dinner times on Wednesday and Thursday.

Access to Maya from off campus is now available--see the instructions at the end of this memo. 

Faculty mentors to students will be assigned soon. The plan this year is to assign mentors to the NB 2nd, 3rd and PB 1st year students.  We will need 8 LA faculty and 4 RCP faculty for this year's group of students.  Please let Jayna know by September 30 if you are interested in serving as a faculty mentor for this year.


Assistant Professor Jason Brody presented "How five students from three universities in the midwest won the Urban Land Institute Gerald D. Hines Student Urban Design Competition (and what the competition taught them about urban design, teamwork, and themselves," at the AIA-Kansas annual conference in Lawrence, KS on Sept. 12. 

Congratulations to our two  Kansas APA Horizon Award Winners:
-  The Planning in Pop Culture class radio show, led by Assistant Professors Huston Gibson and Kate Nesse and Associate Professor La  Barbra Wigfall
-  The LAR 442 Spring 2013 Wichita Metropolitan Studio project, led by Associate Professor Belanger and Assistant Professor Hunt.
The awards presentation will be during the Kansas Planning Conference in Manhattan, at the luncheon on Friday, Oct. 4.


How to connect to Maya from off-campus:
1. Install the VPN software on the computer you use away from campus. It provides a secure "tunnel" between your computer and the Virtual Private Network on campus by using encryption and authentication. This is important if you work on hotel, coffee shop and other public networks and is required to access Maya from off campus.

2. Connect to Maya
Windows 7:
- Choose Start from the Taskbar
- From the pop up menu, in the Search field, type the server name: 
- Press the Enter or Return key from your keyboard

Mac OS X:
- Choose Go from the Finder toolbar
- Choose Connect to Server from the drop down menu
- In the Connect to Server box, in the Server Address field, type the server name: smb://maya.arch.ksu.edu
- Choose Connect

Enter your college account username and password if prompted.
Contact Don Crawford for assistance if you have any questions or problems.



Mon     Sept 23, Promotion and Tenure Presentation, Brody, Seaton 106c, 5:30 pm

Tues    Sept 24, Mid-Tenure Presentation, Beamish, Seaton 106c, 5:30 pm

Wed    Sept 25, Mid-Tenure Presentation, Nawre, Seaton 106c, 5:30 pm

Thurs  Sept 26, LARCP Faculty Meeting CANCELLED

Thurs  Sept 26, LARCP Standing Committee Meetings with Advisory Council, Seaton 106c and 105, 1:30 - 3:30 pm

Fri       Sept 27, LARCP Advisory Council Report to Faculty and Students, Pierce Commons, 1:00 - 2:00 pm

Thurs  Oct 3, LA Faculty Meeting, Seaton 106c, 12:30 - 1:30 pm

Tues   Oct 8, Tenure Faculty Meeting, Seaton 301, 10 am - 12:30 pm

Thurs  Oct 10, RCP Faculty Meeting, Seaton 106c, 12:30 - 1:30 pm

Tues   Oct 15, Tenured Faculty Meeting, Seaton 301, 10 am - 12:30 pm

Thurs  Oct 17, LARCP Faculty Meeting, Seaton 106c, 12:30 - 1:30 pm

Thurs  Oct 24, LARCP Faculty Meeting, Seaton 106c, 12:30 am - 1:30 pm 

Mon    Oct 28, May and August Intersession proposals due to Stephanie


Thurs - Fri  Sept 26 - 27, LARCP Advisory Council

Mon     Sept 30, Judith Major's Lecture, Union Little Theater, 4:50 pm

Fri       Oct 3-4, Kansas APA Meeting, Manhattan Hilton Garden Inn

Fri-Mon Oct 4-7, Beamish Specialization Studio Trip to Blanche Nuit, Toronto

Mon   Oct 14, RCP Distinguished Lecture, Chuck Marohn

Wed   Nov 6, RCP Ekdahl Lecture, Ken Greenberg

Sat     Nov 9, APDesign Research Symposium with Linda Sorrento, Executive Director of the National Academy of Environmental Design


Planning in Pop Culture 91.9 Show

The Meadow Blog

planpop: the City Planning & POP Culture Blog


302 Seaton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-2909