Current Students
Maryam KazemiMaryam is from Tehran, Iran. She has a bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran and master’s degrees in Architecture from Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran Iran, and Architectural lighting design from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Her current focus is on lighting design at the urban scale. Major Professor: Anne Beamish. Start date: Spring 2021. |
Zhuowei LiZhuowei is from Zhenjiang, China. He has a bachelor’s degree in Landscape Architecture from Beijing Forestry University, and a master’s degree in Horticultural Science from NC State University. He worked at the Natural Learning Initiative at NC State after graduation where he manages comprehensive projects, including Shape NC 3 and Shape Infant/Toddler that focus on naturalizing playgrounds to transform each into a stimulating outdoor learning environment (OLE), offering diverse opportunities for increased physical activity, healthy nutrition, and outdoor learning. He also contributes to a variety of NLI research projects like USDA that measures the effectiveness of the Preventing Obesity by Design (POD) hands-on gardening component to support preschool fruit and vegetable consumption, liking, and knowledge, and to increase physical activity in vulnerable preschool children attending childcare. His current focus is on how built environment can contribute to human’s health and well-being. Major Professor: Hyung Jin Kim. Start date: fall 2020. |
Nancy MahaneyNancy is originally from Tahlequah, Oklahoma. She holds a B.A. degree in Anthropology from the University of Colorado, Boulder, an M.A. degree in Anthropology with a Post-Graduate Certificate in Museum Studies from Arizona State University and a M.S. degree in Community and Regional Planning from the University of Arizona. Nancy's research is influenced by 30 years of professional work in heritage management and museum curation and administration. Her background includes 8 as Museum Director for two Native American cultural centers in Arizona. Currently she is Chief of Cultural Resources, NPS. in Lawrence, MA Nancy's dissertation research focuses on designed memorials at the sites of tragedies and seeks to understand how these sites influence collective memory and contribute to individual and community resilience. Major Professor: Katie Kingery-Page. |
Michael “Ernie” McNairMichael is from Biggersville, MS. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the University of Mississippi, a bachelor’s degree in Landscape Architecture from Mississippi State University, and a master’s degree in City and Regional Planning from Clemson University. He is a registered landscape architect and worked at Hawk Design Inc. in Boston, MA and at DLR Group in Phoenix, AZ for a total of 10 years. He is also a member of the International Union of Operating Engineers and worked in natural gas pipeline construction as a heavy equipment operator for 6 years. His current focus is on the effects of urbanization on stream geomorphology and stream ecosystem process. Major Professor: Timothy Keane. Start date: Fall 2018. Recent GraduatesLekhon Alam, PhD 2022. Dissertation: “Climate Change Mitigation Potential of Green Roofs: Exploring Urban Heat Island Indicators and a Green Roof’s Capacity to Sequester Carbon in the Flint Hills Ecoregion” Jaeyoung Ha, PhD 2022. “Linking Spatial Characteristics of Urban Green Space and Mental Well-Being: Green space biodiversity and landscape spatial patterns” Allyssa Decker, PhD 2021. Dissertation: "An Experimental Design to Assess Soil-Plant-Water Relations on a Kansas Green Roof" Chris Clanahan, PhD 2021. Dissertation: "Operation Regional Harmony: A Study of Defense Communities Implementing Joint Land Use Studies" Dorna Eshrati, PhD 2020. Dissertation: “Never Too Many Parks: The History of Kansas Pleasure Grounds (1850-1920)" Hamed Goharipour, PhD 2020. Dissertation: "Urban Cinesemiotics: A Theory-based Critical Interpretation of Chicago in the Cinema of the 1980s and 2010s"