Academic Updates for Fall 2020 and FAQs
APDesign Students, Faculty & Staff,
Thanks to all who were able to attend, either in real-time or by recording, the individual department Town Halls focused on our return to Seaton/Regnier Hall in August. We greatly appreciated the well thought out questions and comments submitted before, during and after the Town Halls.
As is obvious, there are many decisions, policies and procedures under development, with the primary aim to provide as healthful an environment as possible while continuing to offer the truly distinct and effective teaching model imbedded in our degree programs. In that these are ever-changing times, I appreciate everyone’s patience as we proceed towards our return. Each of us has made innumerable sacrifices but the selfless spirit that underlies these reflects beautifully on our community of students, faculty and staff.
Please know we will continue to provide updated information as decisions are made in light of the continuing evolving situation resulting from the Covid-19 Pandemic. In the meantime, please do you part to remain healthy and to be healthful knowing that your individual action contributes greatly to our ability to bring an end to this pandemic.
Tim de Noble, FAIA
Professor and Dean
Frequently Asked Questions:
Please see K-State's frequently updated Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Updates
Information about facemask training:
Know the K-State policies (link at top of page) and prepare for class
- Quarantine 14 days if you move from a high-risk state or country
- Complete the face mask training
Be flexible and patient
- Faculty furloughs will not impact teaching but will require attention to stated availability
- Faculty/advisors/staff will rotate working on-campus/at home, expect to meet frequently online
Be ready if conditions change
- Plan for how you will get work done
· Ask questions, make suggestions, be proactive
Yes. Find up-to-date information HERE.
Please referr to Health Guidance Updates from K-State
APDesign is offering a mix of in-person, distance, and blended (also called hybrid) courses for Fall 2020. The reason for this variety is to make the most of classroom capacities with social distancing and to create flexibility for both students and faculty. The pandemic conditions are dynamic; needs vary for everyone. All academic departments in APDesign held a virtual town hall in late July to discuss course delivery. See your department icon link below.
For further questions related to courses and course delivery mode, students may contact their academic advisor and/or the course instructor.
The health and safety limitations on space require that we make difficult decisions about how to allocate space and use our facilities. All students enrolled in studio courses will be assigned a work space in the design labs, regardless of delivery mode of the studio course. Other students can be placed on a waiting list for a workspace with desk; they have been contacted by APDesign’s advisors. We are working diligently to accommodate student preferences.
K-State Leadership has determined Education Abroad Programs would be canceled for the Spring 2021 semester.
This decision was made with K-State students’ health and safety in mind.
Please see Guidance on Tuition and Fees provided by K-State ( link )
For questions related to financial assistance, please contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance
For questions related to tuition and university fees (including online fee), please contact the Cashiers Office
This fee provides numerous resources that our students use whether on or off campus. On campus, students will have access to design labs, fabrication lab, tech resources, and the many features our facilities provide. The APDesign fee contributes to personnel salaries in areas of IT, APDPro, Fab Lab, and some student positions. Off campus, students still use APDesign fee resources. For example, our students access our computer networking services staff expertise and APDPro opportunities from anywhere in the world. We'll be using some resources differently this year; we'll be using all resources (more than ever) to deliver classes in all seven degree programs and ENVD. Working as a community, everyone has access to more than they would if students in each program could only use resources supported by their cohort.
The university is asking all instructors who are teaching in-person and blended/hybrid courses to create a seating chart for all face-to-face components of the class. The seating chart will be used to expedite contact tracing if needed. Contact tracing would only occur if the University determined that class participants were not socially distanced or not wearing masks. See more