Women's Wellness Center

Interior Architecture


Chloe Thornburg | Graduation Year: 2021

  • Executed: 5th Year
  • Degree Path: Interior Architecture & Product Design
  • Course: Advanced IA Design Studio

The proposed spaces were carefully selected and were choosen with the intentions to supply the spaces and activities needed to help women with the eight dimensions of wellness practices: physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, vocational, financial, and environmental. The intent is to provide access to the spaces and resrouces needed to establish and practice healthy habits, which in turn contribute to and benefit the overall wellbeing of a person. The spaces selected support the wellness of women with a focus on the mind, body, and soul. The activties and services provided within the program contribute to one or more of these areas of an individual’s wellbeing. The program is seen as parts with unique contributions and benefits that when all combined together create a whole that is manifesting wellbeing through wellness practices. The idea is for the building to serve women in a multidimensional way from physical activity, counseling, and relaxtion to reproductive and prenatal health. Women are encouraged to come to this center to learn, create, heal, and grow.

the lobby of a women's wellness center showing a woman knelt down and women talking

swings, conference room, seesaws interior of a women's wellness center

lounge in a women's wellness center showing women discussing in front of whiteboard

help or reception desk at a women's wellness center