Genesis Modular Cart

Industrial Design


Jordan Cutsinger & Jacob Kim | Graduation Year: 2023

  • Executed: 3rd Year
  • Degree Path: Industrial Design
  • Course: INDD Design Studio IV
  • Materials: Steel Tubing, Steel Sheet Metal, Birch Plywood, Birch, and Acrylic Sheeting

People's Choice Award in the ALLCART Design Competition

Genesis is a project from Kansas State’s Industrial Design Studio IV. This design was created for the Allcart V1 Handcart Design Competition. The challenge required a design solution to reinvent street commerce. The purpose was to find a way to provide an opportunity for individuals to make money while battling the troubles of COVID 19. As the cities around the world are reopening, the contest called for a design that is lean and cost-effective. Genesis transcends these requirements by offering a design that is modular, universal, accessible, versatile, adaptable, and customizable. This design intends to invest in the business venture while providing the user with a new start, tailoring to the user’s needs, and allowing the growth of the user’s business.

Genesis Modular Cart

Genesis Modular Cart