
4th Year


Jordan Cutsinger, Levi Hansen, Jacob Kim, Dustin McDermott, Zachary Spearman, Kayla Roles | Graduation Year: 2023 | Assistant Professor Hernรกn Gregorio

2023 is a milestone celebrating 60 years since the College of Architecture, Planning, and Design's creation. The college has implemented a design education that blends the diverse disciplines in a harmonious fashion throughout the years. All of this has taken place under one roof, Our 1 HAUS.

1 HAUS is a stationery organization system consisting of a pen/pencil holder, a clock, and a phone stand. The collection creates a functional yet beautiful piece that connects current students to the previous design generations from the College of Architecture, Planning, and Design.

1 HAUS celebrates the milestone by reflecting on the building that housed the design education. From Seaton West (Old Seaton) to Seaton East (Renovated Seaton), to the Seaton Addition (New Seaton), the collection utilizes the simple gabled house form that is altered to create a functional office organization product.

1HAUS 1HAUS Sketches 1HAUS