


Chloe Auf Der Heide | Graduation Year: 2025 | Assistant Professor Kendra Kirchmer and Instructor Richard Thompson

The motivation for this stair design was to create a space that will fuse together the contextual surroundings and create a division of space to accomodate for numerous activities. Utilizing the matured and contemporary facades, materials and textures were chosen to support the exsisting concept to and similarly relate the old to the enw. The color palette was kept simple and natural to continue the design language of this atrium. The use of natural landscaping and materials of the lower seating part of these stairs tied together the updated exterior of Seaton Hall. It was designed to create an area that students, professors, and visitors would be able to gather in during times of both liveliness and static. The centralized moment would allow for circulation and create pockets of space for numerous activities that may take place at once. This staircase would overall stitch together the entirety of Seaton Hall into one main focal point.

Fusion Stair Design