APDesign Newsletter 11.26.12
Christine Ten Eyck, principal of Ten Eyck Landscape Architects, is on campus today to deliver a Landscape Architecture Distinguished Lecture at 4 p.m. in the Little Theatre in the K-State Student Union. The event is free and open to the public.
Ten Eyck, after a raft trip down the Colorado River in 1985, moved west from Texas to Arizona where she established a thriving landscape architectural practice emphasizing regional residential, hospitality and public projects. After 22 years in Arizona, she returned to Texas and started the Austin studio in 2007.
With a mission of connecting the urban dweller with nature, her firm strives to create transformative landscapes that celebrate the region, culture of its people and the sacred paths of water in the arid Southwest. She and her firm have won three honor awards from the national American Society of Landscape Architects in the last four years for the ASU Biodesign Institute, the University of Arizona College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture Living Laboratory and the Arizona State University Polytechnic Academic Complex.
The fourth year IAPD studio invites you to join us in wearing a flower on December 3 in memory of Rachael Stueder who passed away over last winter break. We would like to take this day to remember her and to remind students about safe driving.
As the semester is coming to an end, the IA Student Council would like to remind everyone to remain safe and healthy. This following week we will be sending out posters that will provide tips on how to stay healthy and safe. One of the days we will be hosting our second Holiday Shindig. This will give you a chance to get out of studio and take a five-minute break to just relax. Keep on the look out for the poster. Everyone is welcome. IASC Safety Week
Have a good semester, and stay safe!
APDesign students, faculty and staff are encouraged to attend meetings with Ennead Architects the week after Thanksgiving to give valuable input on the building programming phase.
Meetings are scheduled for:
- APDesign Faculty and Staff: Tuesday, November 27 @ 5:15-6:45 p.m. in Pierce Commons
APDesign Students: Wednesday, November 28 @ 5:30-7 p.m. in Pierce Commons
This is a reminder that applications for KCDC for fourth-years intending to spend the spring 2013 semester in Kansas City is December 7. Applications for the 2013-14 academic year (for fourth- and fifth-years) are due December 14.
Take time for a study/studio break! On Monday evening, December 3, stop by Pierce Commons for a slice of pizza and a beverage (hot or cold). The pizza, provided by Weigel Library and K-State Libraries, will arrive about 9 pm and the beverages, courtesy of SCASLA (Student Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects), will be available then, too. Weigel Library supports you throughout the semester with resources, services, technology and now, pizza!
Greetings APDesign students!
Women in Design would like to announce that officer elections are coming up and we are looking for officer candidates!
Women in Design celebrates women in the design fields and design diversity on campus while serving to encourage women to become leaders in their profession. The organization’s goals include hosting scholastic and social activities with design professionals, offering events for students across campus to mingle and connect, and practicing design through contributions to the community. WID welcomes both male and female members!
If you would like to…
Have an impact within the APDesign college
Reach out on campus to students and faculty
Network with design professionals
… then consider taking a leadership position in Women in Design!
Please contact Kelsey Vusich (kvusich@k-state.edu) by midnight Tuesday, November 27 with your:
- - name
- - year
- - department
- - officer position of interest
Elections will take place in Pierce on Wednesday, November 28 at 8:30pm!
Officer Positions
President: Primary leadership role, delegates tasks, makes executive decisions, determines focus/direction of the organization
Vice President: Supports President in all tasks, sharing all responsibilities, acts as proxy for President when necessary
Treasurer: Accounts for the organization’s finances, responsible for budget, funding and expenses
Secretary: Attends all meetings, records minutes and updates the team
Historian: Documents events and functions through multimedia (photos, video, etc…)
Committee Chairs
Community Service: Seeks and organizes design-oriented service projects
Fundraising: Seeks and organizes fundraising opportunities and sponsorship
Promotions: Public relations, social media, chalking and posters
Events: Organizes main semester events (ex: Spring Gala, Field Trips, etc…)
Recreation: Organizes informal social gathering events (ex: monthly meeting activities, bowling, rec nights, games, group dinners, etc…)