Classroom Technology Instructions

Regnier Forum podium controls

Regnier Forum

Ekdahl control tech

The Ekdahl

OWL teacher's desk controls

Old Weigel Library (OWL)

2123 2124 TV controls

Conference Double Crit Rooms 2123, 2124

1137 panorama view

Double Crit Rooms 1137, 2141, 2142

panoramic view of computer lab

Tech Rich Lab (room 1128)

wide view of room technology in Seaton 3001

Seaton 3001 - Flex Integration Lab

Screen Casting Instructions

Ditto software in-depth instructions


Mediasite capable rooms

  • Regnier Forum (Seaton/Regnier Hall, Room 1117)
  • Tech Rich Lab (Seaton/Regnier Hall, Room 1128)

These rooms are equipped with Mediasite recorder appliances to enable automated, schedule-based recording. But what if you want to record outside of a scheduled time? Mediasite Record Now allows you to start recording a Mediasite presentation in an ad-hoc, unscheduled fashion.